Teaching Experience

children crossing a freeway

Legal Studies 132 AC: Immigration and Citizenship

This course examines the origins of immigration law. Specifically, the course explores how temporary immigration and citizenship law shape who is excluded and included in the national community. It explores questions of race, gender, and religion in relation to admission, deportation, and discrimination of immigrants in this country.
Students rated me a 6.81 out of a 7.0 scale in overall teaching effectiveness and a 4.96 out of a 5.0 scale in presentation of content and organization. Students rated my use of lived experience andpersonal narratives to illustrate the impact of immigration law and policy a 6.7 out of 7.0 scale.

Student Evaluative Comments

Mitzia ran our sections by first doing a mini lecture covering key concepts, we then worked in groups on our worksheet, and finally we discussed in a larger classroom setting. This format really helped me because I got to have a little bit of review and then talk to peers before having to discuss in a large setting. Mitzia did a great job of letting everyone feel included and making sure that various opinions were heard, as she would call on people (not in a rude or scary way that I've experienced with other GSIs) that had not yet spoken in class to give us all a chance to speak.
Mitzia's teaching style was very interactive and dynamic which helped me retain information much better. She was very receptive to questions during section and during office hours. Mitzia helped me with advice about my major and job opportunities that I'm very thankful for. I was super comfortable asking Mitzia for help. She was very kind and was very responsive to students' needs.
I had Mitzia as a GSI for another class I took last semester, so I knew I needed to enroll in the section she was teaching this semester as well. I really dislike morning classes, but I purposely enrolled in an 8AM just to have her as an instructor. If it weren't for her, I would not have passed either of the classes she has been my GSI in. She knows how to facilitate conversation that helped deepen my understanding of the course material. I tend to shy away from speaking up in class, yet I felt comfortable participating in hers. Thanks for a great semester!
Being that this is an 8 AM section, every morning I would dread waking up so early and making the trek to campus. However, Mitzia's section is so professional, orderly, and productive that I would often feel energized after section.
Mitzia presented law in a way that was easy to understand and not exclusive, which was extremely helpful. She had great energy in her teaching style that kept students engaged and encouraged participation.

Legal Studies 184: Sociology of Law

This course explores the many social lives of law. It explores the formative theories about the role and function of law in societies, law's role, and its impact in creating and reinforcing spectrums of stratification -- economic, race, gender, and their intersections. This course focuses on law in action, as opposed to the law on the books.
children crossing a freeway
Students rated me a 6.44 out of a 7.0 scale in overall teaching effectiveness and a 4.78 out of a 5.0
scale in presentation of content and organization.

Student Evaluative Comments

Mitzia was an excellent GSI to have. I liked that she provided specific details on how we could improve our grades and was clear on how she would be grading our work. I also really liked the energy she brought to class every day –– she is an excellent public speaker and great at facilitating conversations as well.
Mitzia made sure that we understood the main points from each reading which was extremely beneficial since this course is heavy reading based. She made sure that we remembered to prioritize our mental health given some of the anxiety that has arisen due to COVID. I appreciated having her as a GSI and I would love to have her again.
Mitzia was the best GSI I have ever had. Her office hours proved to be incredibly helpful, and she always took the time to ensure our questions were fully answered and to check in on how we were doing. I found her lectures to be great in breaking down the information, and I tended to learn more by coming to discussion rather than lecture.
The instructor created a sense of welcomeness during every section which encouraged us as students to participate and engage with the material. She also presented her material in a very organized and simple matter that also helped us learn.
Mitzia was extremely direct and honest, always advocating for the students. She set boundaries of mutual respect and ensured that she did whatever she could for us to succeed. She was very organized and provided clarity of the readings, especially when the professor did not do well in doing so. She helped us to have a deeper understanding and connection of the readings.
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